¿Sobre qué trata?

Un texto de Lama Tsong Khapa del Lam Rim, El camino gradual a la iluminación, nos instruye en los pasos a dar para transformar nuestra mente ordinaria y controlada por la actitud egocéntrica y la ignorancia, en una mente completamente libre oscurecimientos y dotadas de todas las cualidades positivas, la mente de un Buda.

¿Quién lo imparte?

Khen Rinpoche Geshe Thubten Chonyi was born in Nepal in 1962. Khen Rinpoche joined Kopan Monastery after being ordained by Lama Zopa Rinpoche in 1974. After 18 years of intensive study and debate in Sera Je Monastery in South India, Khen Rinpoche was awarded the title of Geshe Lharampa, the highest Tibetan Buddhist doctorate conferred in the Gelug monastic tradition.

After completing his education at Sera Je, Khen Rinpoche joined Gyudmed Tantric College for one year where he furthered his studies on tantra. Gyudmed Monastery is one of the two key monastic colleges in the Gelug tradition that specializes in the teachings of Buddhist tantra. Khen Rinpoche again excelled in his studies there and was awarded first position in his class.

Khen Rinpoche Geshe Thubten Chonyi has been the resident teacher of Amitabha Buddhist Centre, Singapore, since 1999, and he was appointed as the Abbot of Kopan Monastery and Nunnery in Nepal in July 2011. He was appointed as a member of the FPMT Inc. Board of Directors in 2011.


15 y 16 de Febrero 2025

Sábado 11h – 14h / 16h – 19h

Domingo 11h – 14h

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